To reset your RealtyBackOffice password, from the login page, click on Forgot Password just above the login button. Next, provide your email address and click Reset. After that, you will receive an email from RBO to the email address you entered. In that email, click on the “Click Here To Reset Your Password” button. When you click on that, you will be taken to a page where you can reset your password. Note that passwords must contain at least one capital letter. Then, click on Log In. The reset password page will now redirect you to another page where you will need to provide your login email address and new password. Then, click Log In. If your RBO account is active, you will automatically be logged in to the system.
If, after following these steps, you are not logged in to your account, it is because your account is inactive, and you will need to contact your office Admin to let them know your RBO account is inactive.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or call us at (786) 697-0778.